Exposición Arte rupestre en la Tierra de Arnhem (Austràlia)
generations through ceremonies,
genitalia and contorted postures,
dition lives on in other forms (bark,
dances, songs and stories that are
whose purpose it is to cause harm
wood carvings, fibre art, didjeri-
graphically represented in rock art
to an individual.
doos, body paintings, etc.) and new
and other media.
media (Arches paper, engravings
as they passed through. They also
created people, languages, laws,
and socio-cultural and religious
practices. When they finished, they
and various types of hand-printed
illustrating creation stories and
Rock art also includes simple
evidence of their enduring
records of hunting or everyday
connections to the land. Through
activities. In addition, it depicts
ments, binders and brushes, today
this art people learn about the
weapons (spear thrower, spears
there are also some innovations,
spirits, the plants, the animals, and
and harpoons), objects (such as
such as acrylic paints and non-in-
the ceremonies that are important
bags, baskets and tools) and body
digenous glue used to facilitate the
to them. It also documents daily
ornaments that are not always
adhesion of the pigment to the bark
life and illustrates aspects of day
preserved in the archaeological
or paper.
to day occurrences and the natural
record and that illustrate
the material wealth of these
their works have been featured in
one of the longest rock art
populations and their changes over
collections both around Australia
traditions in human history. This
standing of Djang, which they grad-
and internationally. Some artists
exhibition discovers the richness
ually acquire throughout life, human
have forged an international
and complexity, and the connections
survival is guaranteed.
with Aboriginal traditions,
Many rock paintings have
multiple layers of meaning. The
basic interpretation might be
In addition to the traditional pig-
Many contemporary artists and
Everyday life
Today the art continues
Western Arnhem Land preserves
put themselves into the landscape
under the form of rocks, rivers, trees
or rock paintings. Today, these places are sacred as the ancestral spirits
and their powers remain in them.
Aboriginal people look after these
places through ceremonies, songs,
dances and rock art, to preserve
their powers and ensure the survival
of all living beings.
Only through the full under-
appreciated by people who can
recognise the animals, the themes
Ceremonies play a fundamental
or activities depicted. But the
role in the proper training of new
a source of inspiration to new
same painting can have a hidden
generations, the exchange of raw
Aboriginal artists. It is an heritage
an extraordinary visual archive
meaning that only the initiated
materials and tools, farewell to the
used in the fight for the long term
of the evolution, the history
can appreciate, and even further
deceased, arranging marriages
protection of ‘Country’ against
and the environmental changes
levels only comprehensible to
or commemorating the Djang.
powerful political and economic
these populations experienced.
the artist or the senior elders that
Their representation in rock art,
forces. It is also a cultural product
Aboriginal people understand the
The human occupation of Australia
are considered the guardians of
whether a literal scene or the animal
used to develop sustainable tourism
art as a gateway to culture, used
is one the major achievements of
the cultural knowledge and the
associated with it, bring the viewer
as a source of income, and as a
for thousands of years to pass on
humankind, as it required navigation
ancestral law.
into the sacred and ritual realm.
way to value Aboriginal history and
their traditions and beliefs from
in open water. Whether the
generation to generation. In public
peopling of Australia was intentional
contexts it is a visual medium
or by accident (maybe blown by
Anbangbang Gallery
for training new generations or
monsoon winds), as well as the
The Anbangbang Gallery includes
illustrate stories to children. In
routes used in the colonization
some of the most iconic rock
sacred contexts, such as initiation
are still under discussion. Current
ceremonies, it is used for a more
genetic analysis suggests that all
Mimih spirits
Today rock art is more than
landscape, society and culture.
This beautiful art constitutes
everything they needed to
survive and also various aspects
Today arts and crafts are directly
art imagery from Australia.
of ceremonies. It is believed that
tied to previous rock art traditions
It was created by two
these spirits still live among the
and Djang, the cultural belief
master artists in the
rocks, but they are difficult to see.
system of Aboriginal people.
1960s – Nayombolmi and
Their images are reproduced both
Artists and artisans of these lands
Djimongurr. In the face
in paintings and sculptures.
still maintain strict protocols estab-
of incursions into their
time with images of daily life. These
occupation took place between
lishing what each artist may paint
lands, the scene represents
images, as well as the beliefs and
65,000 and 50,000 years ago.
Ancestral beings, magic and
and a traditional apprenticeship sys-
a statement by the artists
socio-cultural practices related to
tem guiding junior artists through
— our law is still here, our
them (ceremonies, dances, stories
humans dispersed throughout the
Representations of evil spirits,
the cultural stories they must know
ancestors are still here, and our
and songs) come together as Djang,
continent adapting to a matrix
in human or animal form, but
in order to expand their artistic
people are still here.
a local word which vaguely trans-
of biogeographic environments
distorted, and other Ancestral
repertoire. Even when producing art
lates in English as Dreaming. Djang
through different foraging and social
Beings recall various aspects of
for public sale, artists are reaffirming
refers to the beliefs, values and
strategies. Up until the 20th century,
creation. The art also includes
their ancestral connections.
knowledge systems which struc-
they survived as nomadic or semi-
tures the social life of these groups,
nomadic hunter-fisher-gathering
linking past and present. In the past,
societies. As a result, Australia
the creation beings ‘Nayuhyunggi’
became a continent of diversity,
travelled over the territory model-
with different population densities,
ling the landscape and creating life
traditions, languages, sociocultural
The Mimih are creation beings
who taught Aboriginal people
love and sorcery images, with
human figures with distorted
While roday, rock art is only rarely produced, the same millenary tra-
formal tuition exclusive to
The painted rock shelters
combine images of the creation
people descended from a single
migration, which was large enough
to eventually colonize a new
country, bigger than Europe. This
Upon arrival through the north,
practices and material culture. An
art. They can be as diverse from
dates are variable and are defined
(Syzgium forte) and Mandjarduk
estimate of 250 different languages
each other as the Spaniards are
by climatic changes and specific
(Syzgium suborbiculare). It’s a very
Djang are made on various media.
they introduced blue, produced
were spoken in 1788. The regional
from Italians, Germans or Danes.
environmental events, such as plant
good time for hunting waterbirds
The most famous is rock art. But
with a washing powder (azulete)
diversity of styles and techniques
flowering or fruiting or the changing
like Manimunak (magpie goose),
there is also art on large sheets of
that they obtained from the mission
seen in rock art is also indicative of
behavior of animals.
Ngalmangiyi (northern long-necked
stringy bark (Eucalyptus tetradonta),
laundries. They also create motifs
important symbolic differences.
The artistic manifestations of
categories. With European contact
turtle) with kawurluwurlhme kunak
wood carvings and body art. All of
by using balls or strips of beeswax
(floodplain burning) to clear the
them are used in public contexts
on the rock.
started at least 28,000 years
Arnhem Land and Kakadu National
The monsoon time with heavy rains
kundalk (grass) as well as hunt
and in sacred rituals. In some cases
ago. The evolution over time
park are a monsoonal region, with
bring kudjarr (flooding and flowing
Kedjebe (Arafura filesnake) around
they are usually destroyed after the
What do they paint with?
illustrates subsequent cultural and
a seasonal rainfall defining a wet
water) and kunmayorrk (strong
the edge of billabongs.
The paint is applied with the fingers,
environmental changes. In the last
and a dry season. Its escarpments,
winds). It’s a time of abundant fruits
400 years, traditional styles appear
sandstone plateau, floodplains and
with the Yukkuyyukku (firefly lights)
several categories of group
or hair, or by printing. To create
together with contact imagery
lowland wetland environments are
flashing at night to signal the bush
The time of kangolmarnburren,
identity regulating their rights and
hand, foot and object stencils, they
recording encounters with foreign
one of the most important refuge
fruits are ready to collect.
when the humidity builds, kunngol
obligations within society. Their
spray paint from the mouth, where
populations (Indonesian navigators,
areas for the flora and fauna of
(clouds) and kunmayorrk (wind)
social affiliation also dictates the
it mixes with the artist’s saliva, which
European explorers, British settlers
the region and a source for human
gather together from all directions.
repertoire of subject matter they
becomes part of the work. The
and missionaries). Today the rock
Nakurl (knock ’em down storms)
Animals hear kangurdulme (thunder)
can paint, the colours they can
learning process can involve the
coming from koyek (the east) flattens
and know it’s time for a change.
use and even the proportions and
collaboration of several artists on
the same motif.
Rock art of Arnhem Land
shelters are like an illustrated
The landscapes are also unique
Aboriginal people have
encyclopaedia of Aboriginal history
open-air museums with the mas-
Manbedje yirridjdja (the early
Namarrkon kamayhmayhke
shapes of the figures they can draw.
and mythology.
terpieces of many generations of
spear grass). Manbedje duwa (the
(lightning flashes) tell us that the
The infill techniques (semicircles,
with brushes made of natural fibers
artists, evoking the creation time,
later spear grass) is still green and
Ngalmangiyi and Kedjebe are
diamonds, crossed hatching, etc.)
How do they paint?
Colonisation routes
Djang, Aboriginal culture and their
growing until barra (the later rains).
moving closer to the bank and are
are not merely decorative, but are
Tradition dictates not only the
Archaeology and Aboriginal oral
ancestral traditions.
It is the time for collecting magpie
easier to collect.
also distinctive of the clan, and are
style and subject matter depicted,
also used in body painting.
but even where to start drawing
history suggest that Australia was
Aboriginal people have special
goose eggs, Manimunak wirlarrk
colonized from the north, though
connections to the land. Their
the date and routes of colonisation
traditional knowledge links the land
Flora and fauna are fundamental
Where do they paint?
fill the figures, rarrk, which include
are debated. For some Aboriginal
with all that lives on it, and tells of
to Aboriginal food and mythology.
Traditionally, Aboriginal people
parallel or crossed lines, semicircles,
people, Yingarna, the creation
the passing of the seasons marked
The rains have finished. The
Some animals are Djang or the
painted on the walls and ceilings
diamonds, etc., distinguish the
mother, arrived by sea. Once ashore,
by climatic changes, plant flowering,
cooler temperature and the wind
totem of a clan, and no one in that
of open-air shelters and boulders,
paintings of various clans.
she planted yams and other foods,
the hibernation of reptiles, the
blowing from north east to west
clan can hunt or eat them. In certain
creating rock art, or on the tree
created waterholes and her baskets
movement of birds, etc. They also
signals the start of the dry time.
ceremonies the Aboriginal people
bark of their huts. The barks were
contained each clan and language.
relate the heroic actions of the
Lots of djalangkarridjdjalangkarridj
become this animal and represent it
sometimes used in ceremonies and
creation beings and paint them in
(dragonflies) and Manbarndarr
could be destroyed at the end. They
Traditional lifestyles and tools
the places they inhabit, whether
(Calytrix exstipulata) and Mandjedj
also decorated ceremonial objects
Arnhem Land was inhabited for
in their human or animal form.
(Cochlospermum fraseri) flowering
and their own bodies.
50,000 years by various Aboriginal
Songs, dances, oral histories and
are a sign of Yekke.
populations organized in flexible
ceremonies commemorate their acts
bands. Given the seasonality of
and tell the influences or dangers
resources, they practiced a certain
mobility and, as a consequence,
and a good time for fishing.
Flora and fauna
a motif. Also the patterns used to
Ethnographic information is key
How do they prepare the paint?
to understanding the multiple
To Australian Aboriginal people
To paint they use natural minerals
meanings and functions of recent
they exert. They also highlight which
Kunbonjdjek- the cool weather
creating art is more than a collection
collected from nature, sometimes
Aboriginal art and the variety of
places and periods are the best for
time, when dry winds blow from
of techniques, raw materials and
exchanged with other groups. The
contexts in which this form of visual
they had a largely portable material
hunting, the correct rules governing
the east, koyek kunmayorrk. Many
tools. It is an act of connection
pigments are transformed into
communication is used. It also
culture, mainly made of perishable
marriages, etc.
plants are flowering, like Mandjalen
to culture. The subject matters
powder on slabs or on the floor of
evidence of the complexities of
(Eucalyptus miniata), Manbordokorr
depicted, the places where they
the rock shelter itself, and are mixed
interpreting the art of other cultures
materials. Their transformation
The presence of multiple layers
of the environment included the
of paintings in the same rock shelter
(Eucalyptus tetrodonta) and
paint and even the materials used
with binders, such as animal fat,
without their authors or written
selective burning of the bush.
expose the importance of the place
Mandadjek (Grevillea pteridifolia)
allow the artist to connect with
animal and possibly human blood or
and its sacred values, rather than
and the native bees are busy so it’s
their homeland, their ancestors and
the juice of the orchid Dendrobium
Cultural homogeneity?
the paintings themselves, which are
a good time to collect Mankung,
When we talk about Australian
sometimes replaced as they fade.
sugar bag.
Aboriginal people, we tend to
The seasons
imagine a homogeneous cultural
Aboriginal people in this region
group. But there are hundreds of
recognize up to six seasons in the
them, with different cultures, laws,
traditions, languages and even rock
The European invasion of
Australia had a great impact on
traditional ways of life. But the
The best quality pigments, the
most prized and traded, have a
What colors do they use?
declaration of Arnhem Land as
special symbolic meaning and an
The basic colors include yellow,
Aboriginal reserve in the 1932
The hot, dry time when the air
associated Djang history regulating
karlbo; white, delek; red, kunrodjbe
allowed for a certain cultural
annual cycle, which condition their
is fragrant from many plants
collection rights or the right time to
and black, kunjirrke, which they
continuity. Ancestral knowledge
life and mobility. The start and end
flowering, like Manboyberre
collect them.
use according to their social
is still passed down to new
generations through ceremonies,
genitalia and contorted postures,
dition lives on in other forms (bark,
dances, songs and stories that are
whose purpose it is to cause harm
wood carvings, fibre art, didjeri-
graphically represented in rock art
to an individual.
doos, body paintings, etc.) and new
and other media.
media (Arches paper, engravings
as they passed through. They also
created people, languages, laws,
and socio-cultural and religious
practices. When they finished, they
and various types of hand-printed
illustrating creation stories and
Rock art also includes simple
evidence of their enduring
records of hunting or everyday
connections to the land. Through
activities. In addition, it depicts
ments, binders and brushes, today
this art people learn about the
weapons (spear thrower, spears
there are also some innovations,
spirits, the plants, the animals, and
and harpoons), objects (such as
such as acrylic paints and non-in-
the ceremonies that are important
bags, baskets and tools) and body
digenous glue used to facilitate the
to them. It also documents daily
ornaments that are not always
adhesion of the pigment to the bark
life and illustrates aspects of day
preserved in the archaeological
or paper.
to day occurrences and the natural
record and that illustrate
the material wealth of these
their works have been featured in
one of the longest rock art
populations and their changes over
collections both around Australia
traditions in human history. This
standing of Djang, which they grad-
and internationally. Some artists
exhibition discovers the richness
ually acquire throughout life, human
have forged an international
and complexity, and the connections
survival is guaranteed.
with Aboriginal traditions,
Many rock paintings have
multiple layers of meaning. The
basic interpretation might be
In addition to the traditional pig-
Many contemporary artists and
Everyday life
Today the art continues
Western Arnhem Land preserves
put themselves into the landscape
under the form of rocks, rivers, trees
or rock paintings. Today, these places are sacred as the ancestral spirits
and their powers remain in them.
Aboriginal people look after these
places through ceremonies, songs,
dances and rock art, to preserve
their powers and ensure the survival
of all living beings.
Only through the full under-
appreciated by people who can
recognise the animals, the themes
Ceremonies play a fundamental
or activities depicted. But the
role in the proper training of new
a source of inspiration to new
same painting can have a hidden
generations, the exchange of raw
Aboriginal artists. It is an heritage
an extraordinary visual archive
meaning that only the initiated
materials and tools, farewell to the
used in the fight for the long term
of the evolution, the history
can appreciate, and even further
deceased, arranging marriages
protection of ‘Country’ against
and the environmental changes
levels only comprehensible to
or commemorating the Djang.
powerful political and economic
these populations experienced.
the artist or the senior elders that
Their representation in rock art,
forces. It is also a cultural product
Aboriginal people understand the
The human occupation of Australia
are considered the guardians of
whether a literal scene or the animal
used to develop sustainable tourism
art as a gateway to culture, used
is one the major achievements of
the cultural knowledge and the
associated with it, bring the viewer
as a source of income, and as a
for thousands of years to pass on
humankind, as it required navigation
ancestral law.
into the sacred and ritual realm.
way to value Aboriginal history and
their traditions and beliefs from
in open water. Whether the
generation to generation. In public
peopling of Australia was intentional
contexts it is a visual medium
or by accident (maybe blown by
Anbangbang Gallery
for training new generations or
monsoon winds), as well as the
The Anbangbang Gallery includes
illustrate stories to children. In
routes used in the colonization
some of the most iconic rock
sacred contexts, such as initiation
are still under discussion. Current
ceremonies, it is used for a more
genetic analysis suggests that all
Mimih spirits
Today rock art is more than
landscape, society and culture.
This beautiful art constitutes
everything they needed to
survive and also various aspects
Today arts and crafts are directly
art imagery from Australia.
of ceremonies. It is believed that
tied to previous rock art traditions
It was created by two
these spirits still live among the
and Djang, the cultural belief
master artists in the
rocks, but they are difficult to see.
system of Aboriginal people.
1960s – Nayombolmi and
Their images are reproduced both
Artists and artisans of these lands
Djimongurr. In the face
in paintings and sculptures.
still maintain strict protocols estab-
of incursions into their
time with images of daily life. These
occupation took place between
lishing what each artist may paint
lands, the scene represents
images, as well as the beliefs and
65,000 and 50,000 years ago.
Ancestral beings, magic and
and a traditional apprenticeship sys-
a statement by the artists
socio-cultural practices related to
tem guiding junior artists through
— our law is still here, our
them (ceremonies, dances, stories
humans dispersed throughout the
Representations of evil spirits,
the cultural stories they must know
ancestors are still here, and our
and songs) come together as Djang,
continent adapting to a matrix
in human or animal form, but
in order to expand their artistic
people are still here.
a local word which vaguely trans-
of biogeographic environments
distorted, and other Ancestral
repertoire. Even when producing art
lates in English as Dreaming. Djang
through different foraging and social
Beings recall various aspects of
for public sale, artists are reaffirming
refers to the beliefs, values and
strategies. Up until the 20th century,
creation. The art also includes
their ancestral connections.
knowledge systems which struc-
they survived as nomadic or semi-
tures the social life of these groups,
nomadic hunter-fisher-gathering
linking past and present. In the past,
societies. As a result, Australia
the creation beings ‘Nayuhyunggi’
became a continent of diversity,
travelled over the territory model-
with different population densities,
ling the landscape and creating life
traditions, languages, sociocultural
The Mimih are creation beings
who taught Aboriginal people
love and sorcery images, with
human figures with distorted
While roday, rock art is only rarely produced, the same millenary tra-
formal tuition exclusive to
The painted rock shelters
combine images of the creation
people descended from a single
migration, which was large enough
to eventually colonize a new
country, bigger than Europe. This
Upon arrival through the north,
practices and material culture. An
art. They can be as diverse from
dates are variable and are defined
(Syzgium forte) and Mandjarduk
estimate of 250 different languages
each other as the Spaniards are
by climatic changes and specific
(Syzgium suborbiculare). It’s a very
Djang are made on various media.
they introduced blue, produced
were spoken in 1788. The regional
from Italians, Germans or Danes.
environmental events, such as plant
good time for hunting waterbirds
The most famous is rock art. But
with a washing powder (azulete)
diversity of styles and techniques
flowering or fruiting or the changing
like Manimunak (magpie goose),
there is also art on large sheets of
that they obtained from the mission
seen in rock art is also indicative of
behavior of animals.
Ngalmangiyi (northern long-necked
stringy bark (Eucalyptus tetradonta),
laundries. They also create motifs
important symbolic differences.
The artistic manifestations of
categories. With European contact
turtle) with kawurluwurlhme kunak
wood carvings and body art. All of
by using balls or strips of beeswax
(floodplain burning) to clear the
them are used in public contexts
on the rock.
started at least 28,000 years
Arnhem Land and Kakadu National
The monsoon time with heavy rains
kundalk (grass) as well as hunt
and in sacred rituals. In some cases
ago. The evolution over time
park are a monsoonal region, with
bring kudjarr (flooding and flowing
Kedjebe (Arafura filesnake) around
they are usually destroyed after the
What do they paint with?
illustrates subsequent cultural and
a seasonal rainfall defining a wet
water) and kunmayorrk (strong
the edge of billabongs.
The paint is applied with the fingers,
environmental changes. In the last
and a dry season. Its escarpments,
winds). It’s a time of abundant fruits
400 years, traditional styles appear
sandstone plateau, floodplains and
with the Yukkuyyukku (firefly lights)
several categories of group
or hair, or by printing. To create
together with contact imagery
lowland wetland environments are
flashing at night to signal the bush
The time of kangolmarnburren,
identity regulating their rights and
hand, foot and object stencils, they
recording encounters with foreign
one of the most important refuge
fruits are ready to collect.
when the humidity builds, kunngol
obligations within society. Their
spray paint from the mouth, where
populations (Indonesian navigators,
areas for the flora and fauna of
(clouds) and kunmayorrk (wind)
social affiliation also dictates the
it mixes with the artist’s saliva, which
European explorers, British settlers
the region and a source for human
gather together from all directions.
repertoire of subject matter they
becomes part of the work. The
and missionaries). Today the rock
Nakurl (knock ’em down storms)
Animals hear kangurdulme (thunder)
can paint, the colours they can
learning process can involve the
coming from koyek (the east) flattens
and know it’s time for a change.
use and even the proportions and
collaboration of several artists on
the same motif.
Rock art of Arnhem Land
shelters are like an illustrated
The landscapes are also unique
Aboriginal people have
encyclopaedia of Aboriginal history
open-air museums with the mas-
Manbedje yirridjdja (the early
Namarrkon kamayhmayhke
shapes of the figures they can draw.
and mythology.
terpieces of many generations of
spear grass). Manbedje duwa (the
(lightning flashes) tell us that the
The infill techniques (semicircles,
with brushes made of natural fibers
artists, evoking the creation time,
later spear grass) is still green and
Ngalmangiyi and Kedjebe are
diamonds, crossed hatching, etc.)
How do they paint?
Colonisation routes
Djang, Aboriginal culture and their
growing until barra (the later rains).
moving closer to the bank and are
are not merely decorative, but are
Tradition dictates not only the
Archaeology and Aboriginal oral
ancestral traditions.
It is the time for collecting magpie
easier to collect.
also distinctive of the clan, and are
style and subject matter depicted,
also used in body painting.
but even where to start drawing
history suggest that Australia was
Aboriginal people have special
goose eggs, Manimunak wirlarrk
colonized from the north, though
connections to the land. Their
the date and routes of colonisation
traditional knowledge links the land
Flora and fauna are fundamental
Where do they paint?
fill the figures, rarrk, which include
are debated. For some Aboriginal
with all that lives on it, and tells of
to Aboriginal food and mythology.
Traditionally, Aboriginal people
parallel or crossed lines, semicircles,
people, Yingarna, the creation
the passing of the seasons marked
The rains have finished. The
Some animals are Djang or the
painted on the walls and ceilings
diamonds, etc., distinguish the
mother, arrived by sea. Once ashore,
by climatic changes, plant flowering,
cooler temperature and the wind
totem of a clan, and no one in that
of open-air shelters and boulders,
paintings of various clans.
she planted yams and other foods,
the hibernation of reptiles, the
blowing from north east to west
clan can hunt or eat them. In certain
creating rock art, or on the tree
created waterholes and her baskets
movement of birds, etc. They also
signals the start of the dry time.
ceremonies the Aboriginal people
bark of their huts. The barks were
contained each clan and language.
relate the heroic actions of the
Lots of djalangkarridjdjalangkarridj
become this animal and represent it
sometimes used in ceremonies and
creation beings and paint them in
(dragonflies) and Manbarndarr
could be destroyed at the end. They
Traditional lifestyles and tools
the places they inhabit, whether
(Calytrix exstipulata) and Mandjedj
also decorated ceremonial objects
Arnhem Land was inhabited for
in their human or animal form.
(Cochlospermum fraseri) flowering
and their own bodies.
50,000 years by various Aboriginal
Songs, dances, oral histories and
are a sign of Yekke.
populations organized in flexible
ceremonies commemorate their acts
bands. Given the seasonality of
and tell the influences or dangers
resources, they practiced a certain
mobility and, as a consequence,
and a good time for fishing.
Flora and fauna
a motif. Also the patterns used to
Ethnographic information is key
How do they prepare the paint?
to understanding the multiple
To Australian Aboriginal people
To paint they use natural minerals
meanings and functions of recent
they exert. They also highlight which
Kunbonjdjek- the cool weather
creating art is more than a collection
collected from nature, sometimes
Aboriginal art and the variety of
places and periods are the best for
time, when dry winds blow from
of techniques, raw materials and
exchanged with other groups. The
contexts in which this form of visual
they had a largely portable material
hunting, the correct rules governing
the east, koyek kunmayorrk. Many
tools. It is an act of connection
pigments are transformed into
communication is used. It also
culture, mainly made of perishable
marriages, etc.
plants are flowering, like Mandjalen
to culture. The subject matters
powder on slabs or on the floor of
evidence of the complexities of
(Eucalyptus miniata), Manbordokorr
depicted, the places where they
the rock shelter itself, and are mixed
interpreting the art of other cultures
materials. Their transformation
The presence of multiple layers
of the environment included the
of paintings in the same rock shelter
(Eucalyptus tetrodonta) and
paint and even the materials used
with binders, such as animal fat,
without their authors or written
selective burning of the bush.
expose the importance of the place
Mandadjek (Grevillea pteridifolia)
allow the artist to connect with
animal and possibly human blood or
and its sacred values, rather than
and the native bees are busy so it’s
their homeland, their ancestors and
the juice of the orchid Dendrobium
Cultural homogeneity?
the paintings themselves, which are
a good time to collect Mankung,
When we talk about Australian
sometimes replaced as they fade.
sugar bag.
Aboriginal people, we tend to
The seasons
imagine a homogeneous cultural
Aboriginal people in this region
group. But there are hundreds of
recognize up to six seasons in the
them, with different cultures, laws,
traditions, languages and even rock
The European invasion of
Australia had a great impact on
traditional ways of life. But the
The best quality pigments, the
most prized and traded, have a
What colors do they use?
declaration of Arnhem Land as
special symbolic meaning and an
The basic colors include yellow,
Aboriginal reserve in the 1932
The hot, dry time when the air
associated Djang history regulating
karlbo; white, delek; red, kunrodjbe
allowed for a certain cultural
annual cycle, which condition their
is fragrant from many plants
collection rights or the right time to
and black, kunjirrke, which they
continuity. Ancestral knowledge
life and mobility. The start and end
flowering, like Manboyberre
collect them.
use according to their social
is still passed down to new
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